Marvel Legends Showdown Punisher

For everything that The Thing does well, The Punisher just fails at miserably. Where the Thing is large, bulky, imposing, nicely sculpted, and well proportioned, The Punisher is overly tall, lanky, rubbery, and freakly mal-proportioned. First of all, his head sculpt actually doesn't look too bad. He's got that angry, scowling facial sculpt down, as Frank Castle should. The torso looks okay, too, being just slightly broad-chested, and the sculpting of the skull logo on his chest is pretty close to flawless. This much really works for me.

However, his arms and legs just kind of ruin the figure. First of all, both sets of limbs seem way too long, and what's really unfortunate is that he does not have swivel forearms, which doesn't make much sense considering he should be able to hold weapons. The articulation points of his shoulders are also a little clugey, and that effects his ability to hold weapons, too.

Then you have his legs, which end up way too long and gangly, and the gun in the holster is way too rubbery and ends up looking fake. He also doesn't come with any weapons at all. Overall, the detailing on the figure LOOKS really good, but mold-wise, it just doesn't pull it off. It's probably the worst figure in the series so far, which is unfortunate because he would be one guy that would pretty seamlessly fit into the G.I. Joe universe. However, his height and lankiness just takes him out of the equation.

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