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G.I. Joe: Convention Mission Brazil Python Patrol Stinger Guest Review

There aren’t many Conventions that I’ve missed over the past twelve years, but it just so happens that 2011 was one of them.  It was also the year the Collectors Club officially jumped with both feet in the pool into “Modern Era” figure style.  I think this change has served them very well.  Not only do they have a lot more parts to choose from for their figures, but there seems to be a lot more collector demand and much better sell through.

That was certainly true of the Mission Brazil set.  While I was recently able to get my hands on the Python Patrol Stinger (with great help from Jay of, fellow What’s on Joe Mind host Mike wrote this review for me a while ago, and I’m eternally grateful.  A lot of folks don’t realize the amount of time and work that goes into review writing…  it’s not a short “bang it out” type of thing, and for Mike to take his valuable time to do this for me was very awesome of him.

It almost lets me overlook his repeated gut-punches regarding last year’s Super Bowl.  Almost.

All that side, he took some great pictures and did one hell of a write up.  You can check out the Python Patrol Stinger review now linked to my original Mission: Brazil Review (hosted on the G.I. Joe Collectors Club Review section) or just hit up the direct link below.  The Stinger review is with the “Extra’s” on Page 3.

G.I. Joe: Special Ops website updates with new characters and gear!

As if G.I. Joe: Retaliation wasn’t enough, we’ve got the upcoming social media G.I. Joe: Special Ops online game that is looking more out of this world with every reveal!  Today we’re introduced to the Special Ops version of Roadblock, Lifeline, Buzzer, Dr. Mindbender, the Cobra Stun and G.I. Joe: Wolverine, and things are looking awesome.  Very much a vintage aesthetic, with some neat 30th Anniversary twists.

Lifeline is clearly based on the way the 30th Anniversary figure looks, with those unique differences from the classic version.  Roadblock, on the other hand, is looking like his old school Tiger Force version.  Pretty awesome.

Check out the latest details at the Special Ops website on, and I’ve mirrored some nice images below.  I mean, doesn’t it seem like we’ve been waiting for some kind of game like this forever?  When have we gotten such character and vehicle-accurate renders for any kind of video game?  I’m getting pretty excited to check this out, just in case you couldn’t tell.  I’ve mirrored darn near every image we’ve seen so far, check out the most recent ones on the end.

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Wave 5 vehicle review and really nice pictures at the Terror Drome

Terror Drome member Sparks received his recently released Wave 5 vehicles in the mail from SmallJoes, and did up a great review with some really nice images over on their site.  I’ve also mirrored his fantastic images below.  Some great looking vehicles, to be sure.  Like the COBRA Island 7-Packs, there was a very good chance that these never saw the light of day, kudos to Hasbro for answering their fanbase and finding a way to get these out there.  It would have been a real shame if they hadn’t made it.

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