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Some great photos of Rise of COBRA vehicles hitting this weekend

Joefans far and wide are getting their hands on new Rise of COBRA items (present company excluded, unfortunately…  :shifty: ) and lots of folks have started showing pictures and giving their thoughts.  JoeBattleLines member Duck has posted some VERY nice images in a couple of different threads over there.  There are some links and photo mirrors below.

COBRA Gunship w/ Firefly

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Armored Panther w/ Sgt. Thunderblast

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I gotta say…the more pics I see of the COBRA Gunship, the more I’m rethinking my opinion of it.  In fact, I swore I wasn’t going to buy any Rise of COBRA vehicles, mostly for budgetary reasons, but seeing this thing and the Steel Crusher (and The Pit for that matter) more in depth…man, I don’t know if I can hold out.  Some great looking vehicles that fit in nicely with the Joe movie style.  Love all the hidden features, too.