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Welcome to GeneralsJoes.

My name is Justin, and I’ve been collecting little plastic army men for going on twenty-six years now…and if after reading that, you’re still sticking around and taking this seriously, more power to ya.  😉

I’ve been heavily involved in the internet G.I. Joe world for over ten years now, and GeneralsJoes has been alive in some form or fashion for 9 of those 10 years.  Initially a clunky old Angelfire site, I now pride myself on being one of the best sources for G.I. Joe news, opinions, and information on the web.  If you need to contact me, please feel free to for any reason whatsoever:

Email Me.

I also have a number of other contributors to the site, Mike, Gary, and Carlos, but you’ll get to know them better as they start contributing content on a more regular basis.
