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New Jersey Collectors’ Con Recap – Boss Fight Studio

When it was announced that the New Jersey Collectors Con would be billed as a “Boss Fight Launch Party” I pretty much knew I had to be there.  Seven hours of driving, through some of the nastiest traffic on the Eastern seaboard on Friday…  and it didn’t let me down.  Not a single bit.  The entire weekend was everything it was billed as and more with fantastic toys, excellent friends, and two action-packed days of action figure overload.  Who could ask for more?

Boss Fight Studio was in attendance and brought a bunch of cool surprises, and many of the items shown are up for pre-order on!

First and foremost, they debuted some new figures:

Series 02 – Wave 3

  1. Lord Vehemous (Dark Mage)
  2. Aspen (Spring Elf)
  3. Blasted Land Female Orc
  4. Lance Steelblade (King and commander of the Knights of Accord)

These four figures will be a part of the third wave of Series 02 figures from the fantasy line, using a mixture of existing and new tooling and all of them come with secondary head sculpts!

Bucky O’Hare Wave 2

  1. Stealth Bucky
  2. Astral Projection Jenny
  3. Deadeye Duck

Along with the three figures slated for Wave 2, we got a shadowed peek at a potential release of the Storm Toad Trooper, currently penciled in for Spring, 2018!  Larry Hama will also be writing brand new bio cards for these figures, the first time Bucky fiction will be developed and written in many, many years.

Vitruvian HACKS Upcoming Release (specific assortment not revealed)

  1. Cerisier
  2. Horse

Cerisier was also called the “Cherry Blossom Elf” and “Sakura Branch Elf” and is slated for an upcoming release, though the means and the method for that release were not made immediately clear.  A female Gargoyle figure was also shown during the Boss Fight presentation, though her specific assortment was not shared either.  At this point, the Horse pictured with the deluxe accessory kits is a proof of concept, but they’re not sure exactly how that particular item will make it to collectors’ hands.

Series 02 Wave 04 (Concept Art Only)

  1. Gargoyle
  2. Twylla (Faerie)
  3. Naga
  4. Barbarian


During their presentation on upcoming product, Boss Fight revealed their line up for the fourth wave of Series 02 figures, including those four figures above.  I apologize about the quality of the image above, we are working to get access to something with a bit better quality.

Series 03 Space Figures (Concept Art Only)

  1. Stonefist
  2. Kinsey London
  3. Empress Medusa
  4. Cyber Medic
  5. Sniper Droid
  6. Will McCloud
  7. Antrox Trooper
  8. A’Vast Ye
  9. Cyber Police

Slated for release after the Series 02 fantasy figures, the third series of Vitruvian HACKS will feature space themed figures and those figures look great!  Stonefist will make an appearance in the third series as well as Medusa (well her head anyway) and a wealth of other cool looking robots and pulpy space troopers.  Good stuff.

Deluxe Accessory Kits

  1. Gladiator Male
  2. Gladiator Female

These two accessory kits include fully painted and decoed accessories as well as a full arm that can be swapped out to give a great armored look.  There are more of these deluxe accessory kits in the planning stages, so more to come here!

Boss Fight also had physical samples of Series 02 Wave 2 and their upcoming Mini-Kits, both of which continue to look absolutely incredible!

But that wasn’t all…


And of course the immeasurable Dave Proctor built a full blown castle diorama for display and this thing was a.m.a.z.i.n.g.  It had to truly be seen to be believed, a mammoth building with awesome figures, both straight releases and customs really showing the immense versatility of the line.

It was such an amazing weekend with visual overload and so much great stuff to see.  If you love what you see as much as I did, make sure you are showing that love over at by pre-ordering their product!

New Jersey Collectors’ Con Recap – Zombie Lab

Run, don’t walk to Kickstarter to throw some support at the awesome guys from Dream Concept Studio who were there in person at NJCC to talk all about their fantastic Zombie Lab project!

They brought the whole diorama and a bunch of figure samples with them to show off to all the crazed fans at NJCC and seeing them in person was IN SANE.

Check out the images below, then sprint to to support the project!  There are only FOUR SHORT DAYS left to support it.  Don’t miss out.

New Jersey Collectors’ Con Recap – Marauder “Gun Runners” reveals

What.  A.  Weekend.

The New Jersey Collectors Con celebrated their first two-day event this past weekend with a Boss Fight Launch Party, promoting the launch of their Series 2 Fantasy lines and they took this opportunity to bring in the wonderful folks from Marauder, Inc. including some show exclusive “Engineering Ops” Marauder Task Force figures and more information about a wealth of projects in the works for Marauder.

Some of those exciting announcements were that due for Kickstarter, potentially in the next 1 – 2 weeks, are their K-9, the Contract Ops Task Force figure, and their spectacular looking Exo-Suit.  Marauder had some detailed images of concept art for these items at their booth and it’s pretty awesome looking stuff.

Along with the upcoming Kickstarter, there are also plans for a brand new series of Marauder weapons and new 1:12 scale weapons as well for your favorite 6″ sized action figures!

Last, but definitely not least, I have some personal investment in this next bit of news… revealed on the Friday before NJCC is that there is an upcoming RPG slated to run using the Marauder Task Force figures as a backdrop!

I will be working on this project in a writing/development capacity, and I am so thrilled to be a part of this, and I’m extremely excited for everyone to join me on this ride towards a more immersive Marauder universe. This is going to be a blast!

I can’t thank the folks at Marauder enough. They were more than gracious, great to talk to, and their customer service was exceptional throughout the entire weekend. Such a pleasure to talk and work with them. Do yourselves a favor and, if you haven’t, hit up and check out their Task Force product. You will be real glad you did.