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Austin Toy Museum Kickstarter launches with some awesome rewards!

Anyone who went to JoeCon is pretty familiar with the Austin Toy Museum, as they had some pretty incredible dioramas on display as well as some great custom vehicles of the Cobra airship from Sunbow and other really great tributes to G.I. Joe’s past history.

With a desire to take those skills and put them to use in the Austin, TX community, a Kickstarter has opened up for the Austin Toy Museum!  With a bunch of real, authentic, diehard G.I. Joe fans at the helm, this looks like a great project to support, even if your outside the Austin community.  Lots of  great rewards are out there and up for grabs, so hit up the Kickstarter today and throw some support their way.

GeneralsJoes Reviews Transformers and G.I. Joe #0 Free Comic Book Day Issue

Over the past few months we’ve been seeing some inkling of what this issue might shape up to be, and you can tell it’s something that will most likely be either loved or hated, depending on personal preference.  When you go headlong with such a unique artistic style, you’re going to necessarily alienate some folks who aren’t fans of that style, but at the same time, you hope to latch onto folks who appreciate it and perhaps reel in some others who might not otherwise check out a “licensed toy book”.

From my limited exposure to the general comic populace, I think they’ve succeeded.  I’ve seen many non-G.I. Joe focused comic sites and trade publications praising the work done in Transformers and G.I. Joe #0, which I think is a great thing for the brand at large.

But as a diehard G.I. Joe fan (who also dabbles a bit in Transformers) what did I think?  My opinions after the jump.
