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When the folks over at UnderScoopFire asked me to participate in a “Top 100 Toys of All Time” list, I thought it sounded like a fun project to take part in.  That feeling quickly gave way to sense of “oh crap PANIC” when I started digging through the massive list of favorite toys to attempt to narrow things down.  It was simply impossible.

Thankfully all I had to do was submit my own list of 20 and then let Under Scoop Fire put the actual list together (and accept all the hate mail).  I’m free and clear!

Well, not totally free and clear.  One of my main jobs on the participation side of things was to submit thoughts under the G.I. Joe umbrella, and I think I represented that very well…with one glaring ommision.

But don’t take my word for it.  Hit up the UnderScoopFire Top 100 Toys of all Time list to check it out yourself.  First of all, a caveat.  The “Top 100” toys currently only has 90 listed.  You’ll have to check in tomorrow to listen to the Under Scoop Fire Podcast, Episode 21 to hear the top 10, and then the final top 10 will be posted shortly thereafter.


And remember…all hate mail is addressed to UnderScoopFire.  I’m innocent!